February 15, 2021
By Brett Grischo

  Andy Warhol says “Media is art.” I’m positive he means media as in the media planning and buying we do here at Explore Communications. I believe media buying and planning is an art and the work we do is…

February 10, 2021
By Brett Grischo

  Hey Coloradoans; can you imagine this? Rudy Giuliani drives his Subaru up to New Terrain Brewing Company in Golden and he saunters in wearing hiking shoes, Levi’s and a ski vest covering his flannel shirt. He takes off his…

January 21, 2021
By Brett Grischo

  Last year’s SuperBowl happened a month or so before the United States got serious about COVID. Little did we know that would be the last major sports championship in the world as we formerly knew it. No more huge…

January 13, 2021
By Explore

  “New year, new me.” “Out with the old, in with the new.” “2021 will be MY year.” (whatever that means). “Everything will be different this year, I can feel it.” “Watch out 2021, I’m coming for you.” It’s January…

December 14, 2020
By Explore

  For me, it’s the smell of a hardcover, and the flipping of worn pages. It’s the feeling of triumph after finishing a good book, closing it, and putting it back on the shelf. It’s the vintage bookstore, to-go coffee…

December 3, 2020
By Brett Grischo

  When did uncertainty become such a dirty word? The pandemic certainly exasperated xenophobes around the globe, especially with every advertiser leading TV commercials with, “In these times of uncertainty…” But the negative connotations associated with uncertainty have been around…

November 10, 2020
By Brett Grischo

  When you think of Thanksgiving, you think of a homecooked meal comprised of turkey, cranberry, stuffing, and Grandma’s famous mashed potatoes. You think of the smell of pumpkin pie creeping out of the oven and into the living room…

November 2, 2020
By Brett Grischo

  2020 has been a challenging year for literally everyone. The things to celebrate have often been overshadowed by things we’d like to punch in the face. Sometimes small distractions feel large because they take your mind away, even if…

October 21, 2020
By Explore

  When I write, my hand smudges the words and leaves leftover residue on my palm. My paper is always turned at a 45-degree angle, and because classroom desks are bias, I spent the majority of my school years working…

October 15, 2020
By Brett Grischo

  We Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love As a tribute to the great Eddie Van Halen, we’re thinking about all things music. We’re thinking about the strum of guitar strings and the rumble of drums. We’re thinking about how flawlessly piano…

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