
Category: Professional Development

The Art of Media

  Explore Communications turned 25 years old in July. Its been quite a quarter-century going from working in my boxers in a spare bedroom to owning space in the Lower Highlands and having the privilege of working with so many…

Just Breathe

  Have you ever felt like time is just moving too fast? Even worse, sometimes, you feel like you’re not even moving along with it. It reminds me of those movie scenes where the background is speeding up, but the…

Time for Tulips

  You know the stomach- dropping feeling you have when you get into your car and realize that the windshield wipers will simply not have enough power to break through the ice? After ten minutes of physical exertion and sweating…

Local Love

  I was lucky enough to grow up in a neighborhood surrounded with roundabouts, block parties, and “children at play” signs.  The kind of place where you know your neighbors, and they know you better. Ever since I can remember,…

A Silver Lining

  You wake up in the morning, open your blinds, sip on freshly brewed coffee as you turn on the TV to watch the morning news. A ritual you used to love. Red, bolded letters that read BREAKING NEWS travel…

New Year, New Me. Right?

  “New year, new me.” “Out with the old, in with the new.” “2021 will be MY year.” (whatever that means). “Everything will be different this year, I can feel it.” “Watch out 2021, I’m coming for you.” It’s January…

Fast Company Innovation Festival

  I am halfway through the Fast Company Innovation Festival. It’s a week-long event happening online instead of in-person. The online webinar format makes it hard to give my full attention because I can’t spend my entire day on the…

68 Bits

  Working from home for eleventyseven hundred straight days now has had its ups and downs. I’ve saved lots of money on gas, haircuts (okay, in my case its more of beard trim, but it’s still a visit to the…

Professional Development

  I used to think it was fun to hang out at the bookstore near the self-help aisle and judge everyone that browsed the section. Actually, I may or may not still think its fun. We all need help and…