Happy Summer from the Explore team! Enjoy the sunshine and good vibes!!

Ahoy Media!
April 11, 2019
By Sarah Chapin


We live in a world where consumers are bombarded with advertising. As a result, people are becoming blind to these messages. In a past blog, we mentioned that the frequency needed to breakthrough to an advertiser is no longer 3x – it can be as much as 20 – 30 times! To make things even more complicated, a lot media is skippable (hello ad blockers and DVRs!).  As a media agency you will hear us talk a lot about breaking through the clutter, and while reach and frequency are important, we are also always striving to find opportunities that people can’t miss.  Many times we will turn to out-of-home or billboards as a solution…there is no way to turn them off or fast forward through them. They are high impact and permanent.

Recently a media agency in New York came under fire for their floating billboards.

Floating LED Billboard in New York

These giant floating barges with massive LED screens are making daily rounds on the Hudson and East Rivers and are certainly getting noticed. But not in a good way. People are concerned the waterways will soon become the new Time Square. But is it really that bad? At Explore, we believe media should be as creative as the creative itself. These giant floating boards are a very creative way to be high impact and create a media presence where there may be limited options.  It certainly breaks through and has people talking. You know what they say, any press is good press….


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