Guide to Having Safe Summer Fun During COVID19
July 3, 2020
By Explore


In today’s climate, with COVID19 cases spiking again in the US, you may think that your summer plans are doomed… but you can still make it a fun and pandemic-friendly! Here are a few of the best things we have seen so far to make this summer a great one.

If you have a backyard:

  • Get a blow-up pool!
    • With Amazon Prime, you can have a blow-up pool in your backyard in no time! Or you can slap on your favorite mask and head to the nearest Target to grab this essential back-yard accessory and get ready to chill.
  • Have a social-distanced BBQ!
    • I don’t have a backyard or a grill, but if I did, I would definitely be cooking up some kabobs and enjoying the gorgeous summer weather with (a select few) friends and family.
  • Water balloon fight
    • Then you can really make sure people keep their distance!

No matter where you are:

  • Invest in a cocktail recipe book
    • Bring the tiki bar to you this summer by getting a cocktail recipe book! Whipping up fun drinks at home is not only a fun experiment, it is a great way to make it really feel like summertime. Not to mention, having bartending skills is always useful.
  • Get an adult coloring book
    • This pairs nicely with that fore-mentioned homemade cocktail. Trust me.
  • Get outside!
    • Being based in Colorado during all of this is a plus, since it’s just a quick drive to a remote campsite in the mountains with access to gorgeous hikes. But if you’re not near the mountains, you could also take your pet or meet up with a friend at your favorite park, take long walks around your town or city and discover something new, and even make a list of restaurants you want to try after everything opens back up.
  • Rearrange
    • Been wondering how your living space would look if you moved some things around? Go for it! Freshening up your surroundings may just give you the new perspective you need.
  • Head to a drive-in movie theater
    • Need I say more on this one?

Summer Fun during COVID

I hope this quick guide helps you gain a new excitement for the summer of 2020. Let us know your favorite idea and stay safe out there friends!

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